Ute Mountain Ute
4300 Acre Coyote Wash Lease Agreement in process of being finalized by UMU Tribal Council
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4300 Acre Coyote Wash Lease Agreement in process of being finalized by UMU Tribal Council - - -
Project History
Over the last 4 years, Four Corners Helium (FCH) has cultivated a binding working relationship with the Ute Mountain Ute (UMU) Tribe in SW Colorado.
In consideration of a six-month exclusive to all available Tribal minerals (~500K acs), FCH provided a proprietary helium assessment to the UMU Energy Committee.
The agreement allowed FCH access to all Tribal seismic, plus Right of First Refusal on helium leases within the Tribal boundary.
The Coyote Wash Project (Phase I) covers 4,300 acres and includes SEVEN 3D-driven conventional prospects.
Phases II & III (20-50K+ acres) are dependent upon results of Phase I.
Seal: ~400’ of salt/anhydrite
Trap: Conventional 4-way/3-Way structural closures
Targets: Mississippian Leadville, Devonian McCracken
Stratigraphy: Mixed Dolomites/Limestones
Gas Comp: 1.5-5% He; 12-60% CO2; 1-20% methane; 20-50% N2
Normal pressure; vertical well; 1st Loc: Sec 30, 33.5N/19W
Drill and Complete: ~ $3.3MM (Incd’s 7” production liner)
Total Depth: ~7500’
In discussions with eminent Solar Project for future power supply
Mobile IACX helium recovery/nitrogen rejection unit utilizing long haul tube trucks.
Membrane bolt-on modules for sustained organic growth
Class II disposal well for CO2 injection. Initial research indicates Coyote Wash qualifies for 45Q sequestration tax credits
7 well locations (Phase I)
10 MMCFGD, P-50 Flow Rate; $300-400/MCF anticipated for 2023
Helium Reserves: 2 BCF (low case), 3.6 BCF (high case)
Exclusive Seismic
Three 3D’s (36 sq miles)
56 sq mi 2D Swath
1500 miles of 2D
Reprocessing by eSeis, Inc