
Four Corners Helium members and affiliates have authored or co-authored ~175 professional talks, abstracts and journal publications.

Cammack, J.N., Spicuzza, M.J., Cavosie, A.J., Van Kranendonk, M.J., Hickman, A.H., Kozdon, R., Orland, I.J., Kitajima, K., and Valley, J.W., 2018, SIMS microanalysis of the Strelley Pool Formation cherts and the implications for the secular-temporal oxygen-isotope trend of cherts.

Linzmeier, B., Kitajima, K., Denny, A., and Cammack, J., 2018, Making Maps on a Micrometer Scale (COVER ARTICLE)

Cammack, J.N., Kitajima K, Denny, A.C., and Linzmeir, B.J., 2015, Integrating microanalytical data with QGIS.

Cammack J.N., Spicuzza M.J., Van Kranendonk M.J., Hickman A.H., Kozdon R., Cavosie A.J. and Valley J.W., 2015 (M.S. Thesis). SIMS δ18O of Stromatolitic Cherts and Sandstones In the 3.4Ga Strelley Pool Formation: Implications For Paleoarchean δ18O Values.

Cammack, J.N., Kitajima, K., Denny, A., and Linzmeir, B., 2015, A 5 square cm field area: QGIS as a tool for the integration of microanalytical data.

Valley, J.W., Spicuzza, M.J., Cammack, J.N., Kitajima, K., Kita, N.T., and Van Kranendonk, M.J., 2015, Maturity of Archean Sandstones & Ancient Detrital Zircons.

Gianniny, Gary L. and Miskell-Gerdardt, Kimberlee J., 2009, Progradational to Aggradational mixed siliciclastic/carbonate sequence sets on the tectonically active Eastern margin of the Pennsylvanian Paradox basin, Southwestern Colorado , in Houston, W., Wray, L., and Moreland, P., eds., The Paradox basin: New developments in petroleum systems and basin analysis , Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, Denver, p. 310-379.

Gianniny, G.L. and Simo, J.A. 1996, Implications of unfilled accommodation space for sequence stratigraphy on mixed carbonate-siliciclastic platforms: An example from the Lower Desmoinesian (Middle Pennsylvanian), southwestern Paradox basin, Utah. in Longman, M.W. and Sonnenfeld, M. D. (eds.), Paleozoic Systems of the Rocky Mountain Region, Rocky Mountain Section SEPM Special Publication, p. 213-234.

Powers, D., and G.L. Gianniny, 2010, Stromatolitic Carbonate Buildups of the Basal Akah Salt Interval, Western Paradox Basin. Abstracts and Proceedings of the 2010 Rocky Mountain Section of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Four Corners Geological Society. p59. AAPG Search and Discovery #90106©2010 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section, Durango, CO 13-16 June 2010.

Van Sickle, J.P., and G.L. Gianniny, 2010, Facies Heterogeneity and Petrography of the Downdip Evaporitic Wedges in the Akah Interval of the Pennsylvanian Paradox Basin. Abstracts and Proceedings of the 2010 Rocky Mountain Section of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Four Corners Geological Society. p72. AAPG Search and Discovery #90106©2010 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section, Durango, CO 13-16 June 2010

Miskell-Gerhardt, K.J., Gianniny, G.L.,and S.M. Ritter, 2010, New Correlation from SW Colorado Outcrop to Eastern Paradox Basin Based on Outcrop Gamma Ray and Conodont Biostratigraphy. Abstracts and Proceedings of the 2010 Rocky Mountain Section of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Four Corners Geological Society. p70. AAPG Search and Discovery #90106©2010 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section, Durango, CO 13-16 June 2010

Miskell-Gerhardt, Kimberlee J., Gianniny, G. L. and Ritter, S.M., 2009, Outcrop analogs for the Eastern Paradox basin shale gas play from the Hermosa Cliffs, Southwestern Colorado. Accepted abstract for the National Meeting of AAPG and SEPM, Denver, Colorado.

Gianniny, Gary L., Miskell-Gerhardt, Kimberlee J. and Scott M. Ritter, 2010,Synchronous maximum flooding across the Paradox basin, Pennsylvanian Hermosa Group. Southeastern Utah and Southwestern Colorado. Accepted abstract for the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, in Denver Colorado, Oct 31-Nov 4th, 2010.

Gianniny, Gary L., Miskell-Gerhardt, Kimberlee J. and Scott M. Ritter, 2008, Basin Margin Evolution in Mixed Carbonate Siliciclastic Evaporate Sequences, Eastern Margin of the Pennsylvanian Paradox Basin, Southwestern Colorado; National Meeting of AAPG and SEPM, San Antonio,TX.

Gianniny, Gary L., and Simo, J. A, 1994, Sequence stratigraphy and depositional dynamics of the lower Desmoinesian Barker Creek and Akah intervals, southwestern Paradox Basin, Utah, Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, 46th annual meeting Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, Vol 26, no. 6, p.14.

Kelly, Mary Ann, Simo, J.A. , and Gianniny, G.L.,1994, Cyclicity and carbonate buildups of the lower Desmoinesian Barker Creek [interval], Paradox basin, SE Utah (Abstr.) Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, 46th annual meeting, Durango,CO, Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America Vol. 26, no. 6, p. 23.

Perry, E.A., Gianniny, G. L. and Miskell-Gerhardt, K., 2011, Growth faulting within the Pennsylvanian Hermosa Group, Coal Bank Pass-Molas Pass, San Juan Mountains, Colorado. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 4.

Culbertson, A., and G. L. Gianniny, 2011, Paleoclimate and sequence stratigraphy of multistory paleosols in the late Pennsylvanian Honaker Trail Formation, Southeastern Utah. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 4.

Fourment, Tiffany, Nydick, K., Gianniny, Gary L , and Mary Ann Goff, 2009, My Water Comes From the San Juan Mountains, Moonlight Publishing, Boulder, CO, 30p. ISBN 9780981770024.

Ritter, Scott M., and Gary L. Gianniny, 2011 – in review, Geological guide to the Honaker Trail, San Juan River gorge, southeastern Utah, in Anderson, P.B and D.A. Sprinkel (eds), Geologic Road, Trail and Lakes Guides to Utah’s Parks and Monuments, Utah Geological Association Publication 29 (Third Edition).

Gianniny, G.L., Geslin, J.K., Riesterer, J., Link. P.K. and Thackray, G. D., 1997, Quaternary and Holocene surficial sediments of the northern Snake River Plain; an actualistic guide to aquifer characterization: Proceedings of the 32nd Symposium on Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering, March 26-28, 1997, Boise Idaho, University of Idaho, p. 29-44.

Geslin, J.K., Gianniny, G.L., Link, P.K., Riesterer, J.W., 1997, Subsurface sedimentary facies and Pleistocene stratigraphy of the northern Idaho National Engineering Laboratory: Controls on hydrogeology: Proceedings of the 32nd Symposium on Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering, March 26-28, 1997, Boise Idaho, University of Idaho, p.15-28.

Gianniny, G.L., Muldoon, M.A., Simo, J.A., and Bradbury, K.R., 1996, Correlation of high-permeability zones with stratigraphic features in the Silurian dolomite, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Open File Report 96-07, 102 p., 1 plate.

Gianniny, G.L. and Geary, D.H., 1992, Geographic and temporal variation in three species of Acanthina from California and Baja California: The Veliger 35:195-204.

Carroll, Christopher J., Gonzales, David A., Gianniny, Gary .L., Houck, K., *Stetson-Lee, T., *Skyles, E., and Watterson, N.,  2009, Geologic Map and Coal Bed Stratigraphy of the Fruitland Formation in western Archuleta County, Colorado, Map Series 49, Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, Denver, CO.

Mark Williams, Adrianne Kroepsch, Koren Nydick, Gary Gianniny, and *Jordan VanSickle, 2010 in progress- Due Oct 15, 2010, Hydrogeologic, Isotopic and Geochemical Analysis of Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions Along the Fruitland Outcrop: An Addition to the 4M Project. [Peer reviewed working document used as basis for policy for the Bureau of Land Management, and U.S.Forest Service]

Thompson, J., Reinke,R, Vox, D., Onsager,P., Gianniny, G,. C. Vliss*, Hughes, J.*, and Janowiak, M 2001, San Juan basin groundwater modeling study; groundwater surface water interactions between coalbed methane development and rivers. 110 p., * Fort Lewis College Geoscience students [Peer reviewed working document used as basis for policy for the Bureau of Land Management, U.S.Forest Service and Department of Wildlife.]

Allen, Wai, Gianniny, G.L., Kenny, R., White, Scott, Davis, Dan, and John Rayburn, 2011, Sediment entrainment and avulsion caused by LWD in Warner Creek, NY..Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 4.

Boley, M., Gianniny, G.L., and Dott, C.E., 2011, Dam release and Monsoon controlled recharge and drawdown of riparian aquifers, Dolores River, Colorado. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 4.

*Bassett, Daniel, Gianniny, Gary L., and Kimberlee Miskell-Gerhardt, 2008, Lowstand evaporites onlapping highstand carbonates in mixed siliciclastic/carbonate sequences of the Pennsylvanian Hermosa Group, Eastern Paradox basin, Colorado, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs Rocky Mountain Section meeting April, 2008.

Gianniny, G.L. and Simo, J.A.,1993, Sequence stratigraphy and kilometer-scale facies variability on a carbonate/siliciclastic ramp, lower Desmoinesian, Paradox basin, SE Utah. (Abstr.) American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Research Conference "Unconformities and porosity development in carbonates: recognition, controls and predictive strategies", July 1993, Vail, CO.

Gianniny, G.L. and Simo, J.A.,1993, Scale and history dependent facies mosaics on a carbonate siliciclastic ramp, lower Desmoinesian, Paradox Basin, Utah , Geological Society of America, 1993 annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs – G.S.A., Vol. 25, no. 6, p.339.

Gianniny, G.L. and Simo, J.A. (1993) Why stacking patterns don't always stack up, examples from the Paradox basin. (Abstr.) Geological Society of America., Abstracts with Prog.,Vol.25, no.3 , p. 20., N.Central Sect. meeting, March 1993, Rolla, MO. (Winner of the SEPM Outstanding Student Presentation Award)

Gianniny, G.L. and Simo, J.A , 1991, Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) mixed shelf carbonate-siliciclastic cycles, western Paradox Basin, Utah , Geological Society of America, 1991 annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs – G.S.A., Vol.23, no. 5 , p.226.

Gianniny, Gary L., and Miskell-Gerdardt, Kimberlee J., 2007, Seeing the forest amidst the trees; Alternating carbonate/siliciclastic facies feedback in progradational sequences, Desmoinesian of the Eastern Paradox basin, SW Colorado, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs Vol. 39, No. 6

Gianniny, Gary L. and Miskell-Gerdardt, Kimberlee, 2007, Progradational Sequence sets on the tectonically active eastern margin of the Pennsylvaian Paradox Basin, southwestern Colorado, National Meeting of AAPG and SEPM, Long Beach CA. . (Winner of SEPM Honorable Mention)

Gianniny, Gary L., 2004, Eustasy and Tectonism in the Ancestral Rocky Mountains, Eastern Paradox basin, CO; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 36, No. 5., p.509.

000, Possible Tectonic origin of basement derived siliciclastics, earliest Desmoinesian Hermosa Group, SW Paradox basin, Utah; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 32, No. 7., p.A-466.

Simo J. A. Toni and Gary L. Gianniny, 1996, Thickness- and Facies-Incomplete Parasequences; Pennsylvanian Ice-House of the Paradox Basin, Utah. AAPG Search and Discover Article #91019©1996 AAPG Convention and Exhibition 19-22 May 1996, San Diego, California

Gianniny, G.L. and Simo, J.A. (1995) Timing and sequence stratigraphic position of siliciclastic influx and carbonate growth, Middle Pennsylvanian, southwestern Paradox basin, Utah. (Abstr.) Geological Society of America, 1995 annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, Vol. 27, no. 6 p. 84.

Gianniny, G.L., and Simo, J.A. (1995) Late Carboniferous mixed carbonate-siliciclastic shelf sequences, Paradox basin, Utah: Controls and sequence attributes. (Abstr.) American Association of Petroleum Geologists international conference and exhibition; abstracts, AAPG Bulletin 79, no. 8 (199508), p.1216.

Bradbury, K., Rayne, T., Muldoon, M., and Gianniny, G.L., 1996, Delineation of capture zones for municipal wells in complex fractured carbonate rock (Abstr.) American Geophysical Union, 1996 fall meeting, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 77, no. 46 (19961112), p. 242

Simo, J.A. , Gianniny, G.L. and D. Rodrigues de Miranda (1994) Contrasting facies successions in cyclic Pennsylvanian and Cretaceous mixed carbonate-siliciclastic shelves (Abstr.) Abstracts -American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual meeting, Denver ,CO, June 1994

Gonzales, David, *Kray, Brian, and Gianniny, Gary L., 2005, Insight into the timing of Cenozoic uplift in Southwestern Colorado, 57th Annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Section of the Geological Society of America, Grand Junction, Colorado, Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, vol.37, no.6, pp.16, Apr 2005

Gianniny, Gary L.,Thackray, Glenn D., and Sherbondy, Michael, J., 1999, Late Quaternary highstands of Lake Terreton, Idaho; 51st Annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Section of the Geological Society of America, Pocatello, Idaho, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 31, No. 4., p.A-14.

Link, P.K., Bestland, E.A., Geslin, J.K., Thackray, G.T., and Gianniny, G.L., 1999, Basin Architecture of the Pleistocene Big Lost Trough, Snake River Plain, Idaho; 51st Annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Section of the Geological Society of America, Pocatello, Idaho, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 31, No. 4. p.A-14.

Sherbondy, Michael, J*., and Gianniny, Gary L., 1999, Late Pleistocene climate record from the North Lake embayment of Quaternary Lake Terreton; 51st Annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Section of the Geological Society of America, Pocatello, Idaho, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 31, No. 4., p.A-55. *Undergraduate thesis advisee at Bucknell University

Gianniny, G.L. and G.D. Thackray, 1997, Lacustrine sedimentation and paleoclimate, Pleistocene-Holocene Lake Terreton, northeastern Snake River Plain, Idaho; (Abstr) Geological Society of America, 1997 annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, Vol. 29, no. 6, p.437.

Whiting, F., Palmer, R. and Gianniny, G. L., 2011, Shallow seismic analysis of bedrock beneath terrace alluvium and glacial outwash, La Plata River, Southwest Colorado. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 4.

Koepsch, Adrianne, Williams, M., and G. L. Gianniny, 2010, Hydrologic, isotopic, and geochemical analysis of groundwater-surface water interactions along the Fruitland outcrop; the backdrop for coal bed methane development. Accepted abstract for the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, in Denver Colorado, Oct 31-Nov 4th, 2010.

Gonzales, D. and G.L. Gianniny, 2010, The tales of Late Cretaceous to Tertiary gravels in Southwestern Colorado. Accepted abstract for the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, in Denver Colorado, Oct 31-Nov 4th, 2010.

Todaro, D.J., Gianniny, G.L., and K. Miskell-Gerhardt,2010, Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of the Pennsylvanian Hermosa Group in Rico, Colorado. Abstracts and Proceedings of the 2010 Rocky Mountain Section of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Four Corners Geological Society. p70. AAPG Search and Discovery #90106©2010 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section, Durango, CO 13-16 June 2010.

Gianniny, Gary L., *Skyles, E., *Stetson-Lee, T.,Carroll, C. J., and Houck, K., 2009, Strike-parallel facies heterogeneity and base level change in the Campanian Fruitland Formation coal system, Northeastern San Juan basin. Accepted abstract for the National Meeting of AAPG and SEPM,Denver, Colorado.

Carroll, Christopher J., Gonzales, D, Gianiny, G.L. and Lindblom, S., 2009, Coal bed stratigraphy and outcrop mapping of the Fruitland Formation in Archuleta County, Colorado. Accepted abstract for the National Meeting of AAPG and SEPM, Denver, Colorado.


Durham, L.S., 2002, Maybe It’s In the ‘Process’ Teams Need To Be on Same Page.

Young, R.A, eSeis Webpage, Seismic Petrophysics: A Technology to Extract Lithology, Porosity and Hydrocarbon Content from Conventional Seismic Data

Young, R.A., 1999, Seismic Petrophysics, CSEG course.

Jamieson, S.C., 1999 Reinterpretation of Seismic and Well Log Data to Explore for Potential By Passed Economic, Reservoir Application, Bulletin 10.00.

Young, R.A., 1998, Seismic Petrophysics: A Rock-Based Platform for GeoScience Integration.

Wallace R., Young, R.A., 1997, A Method for Pre-Stack Petrophysical Inversion from Seismic Data.

Jamieson W.S. and Pye G., 1994, An Integrated Seismic AVO Case Study of the Second White Specs Shale at Willesden Green, Alberta.

Wallace R., Hampson D., 1994, Optimizing Horizontal Well Location: Indirect Porosity Detection Via 3D Inversion.

Jeff Geslin - Consultant

Barbeau, D.L., Geslin, J.K., and Hamid, T., 2002, Kinematic Sequences boundaries and systems tracts in growth strata: Implications for reservoir geometry and distribution adjacent to salt structures: ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company Internal Report URC.2002EX.019.

Geslin, J.K., Link, P.K., Riesterer, J.W., Kuntz, M.A., and Fanning, C.M., 2002, Pliocene and Quaternary stratigraphic architecture and drainage systems of the Big Lost trough, northeastern Snake River Plain, Idaho: in Link, P.K. and Mink, L.R., eds., Geology, hydrogeology and environmental remediation, Idaho National Environmental and Engineering Laboratory, eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho: Geological Society of America Special Paper 353, Chp. 2, p. 11-26.

 Hasiotis, S.T., Van Wagoner J.C., Demko T.M., Wellner R.W., Jones C.R., Hill R.E., McCrimmon G.G., Feldman H.R., Drzewiecki P.A., Patterson P., Donovan A.D., Geslin J.K., 2002, Continental Ichnology; Using Terrestrial and Freshwater Trace Fossils for Environmental and Climatic Interpretations: In Hasiotis, S.T., et. al., Continental trace fossils: [Serial] SEPM Short Course Notes. 51; Pages 1-53.

 Hasiotis, S.T., Van Wagoner J.C., Demko T.M., Wellner R.W., Jones C.R., Hill R.E., McCrimmon G.G., Feldman H.R., Drzewiecki P.A., Patterson P., Donovan A.D., Geslin J.K., 2002, Outcrop and Core Atlas Photoglossary: In Hasiotis, S.T., et. al., Continental trace fossils: [Serial] SEPM Short Course Notes. 51; Pages 55-132.

 Geslin, J.K., Link, P.K., and Fanning, C.M., 1999, High-precision provenance determination using detrital-zircon ages and petrography of Quaternary sands on the eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho: Geology, v. 27, p. 295-298.

 Geslin, J.K., Link, P.K., Mahoney, J.B., and Burton, B.R. , 1999, The Oquirrh basin revisited: Discussion: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 83, p. 363-366.

 Geslin, J.K., 1998, Distal Ancestral Rocky Mountains tectonism: evolution of the Pennsylvanian-Permian Oquirrh-Wood River basin, southern Idaho: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 110, p. 644-663.

 Geslin, J.K., Gianniny, G.L., Link, P.K., and Riesterer, J.W., 1997, Subsurface sedimentary facies and Pleistocene stratigraphy of the northern Idaho National Engineering Laboratory: controls on hydrogeology: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Symposium on Engineering Geology and Geotechnical Engineering, p. 15-28.

 Gianniny, G.L., Geslin, J.K., Riesterer, J.W., Link, P.K., and Thackray, G.D., 1997, Quaternary surficial sediments near Test Area North (TAN), northeastern Snake River Plain: an actualistic guide to aquifer characterization: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Symposium on Engineering Geology and Geotechnical Engineering, p. 29-44.

 Ingersoll, R.V., Devaney, K.A., Geslin, J.K., Cavazza, W., Diamond, D.S., Jagiello, K.J., Marsaglia, K.M., Paylor, E.D.,II, and Short, P.F., 1996, The Mud Hills, Mojave Desert, California: structure, stratigraphy and sedimentology of a rapidly extended terrane, in Beretran, K.K., ed., Reconstructing the history of basin and range extension using sedimentology and stratigraphy: Geological Society of America Special Paper 303, p. 61-84.

 Geslin, J.K., 1994, Carbonate pseudomatrix in mixed siliciclastic-carbonate turbidites from the Oquirrh-Wood River basin, southern Idaho: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. A64, p. 55-58.

Mahoney, J.B., Link, P.K., Burton, B.R., Geslin, J.K., and O'Brian, J.P., 1991, Pennsylvanian and Permian Sun Valley Group, Wood River basin, south-central Idaho, in Cooper, J.D., and Stevens, C.H., eds., Paleozoic Paleogeography of the western United States - II: Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologist and Mineralogists, v. 67, p. 551-580.

Barbeau, D.L., and Geslin, J.K., 2002, Digital geology: A guide to outcrop data acquisition using RTK GPS and laser rangefinding: ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company Internal Report URC.2002EX.004.

 Geslin, J.K., Larson, P.A., Feldman, H.R., 2001, Stratigraphic architecture of the Ben Nevis/Avalon interval from core analysis and well-log correlation, Hibernia Field, Newfoundland, Canada: ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company Internal Report URC.2002ES.042.

 Wellner, R.W., Geslin, J.K., and Taylor, B., 2001, Core Descriptions, Depositional Facies, and Sequence Stratigraphy of Tier 1 Development Wells - Sable Island Fields, Nova Scotia: ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company Internal Report URC.2001ES.006.

 Van Wagoner, J.C., Wellner, R.W., Jones, C.R., Demko, T.M., McCrimmon, G.G., Hasiotis, S.H., and Geslin, J.K., 2000, Ephemeral fluvial systems: The Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation: ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company Internal Report URC.2000EX.31.

Kuntz, M.A., Geslin, J.K., Mark, L.E., Hodges, M.K.V., Kauffman, M.E., Champion, D.E., Lanphere, M.R., Rodgers, D.W., Anders, M.H., Link, P.K., and Boyak, D.L., 2003, Geologic Map of the Northern and Central Parts of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Eastern Idaho: Idaho Geological Survey, Moscow, Idaho, Geologic Map 35, 14p. plus plate.

 Moyer, T.C., Geslin, J.K., and Flint, L.E., 1996, Stratigraphic relations and hydrologic properties of the Paintbrush Tuff nonwelded hydrologic unit, Yucca Mountain, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-397, 151p.

 Geslin, J.K., Moyer, T.C., and Buesch, D.C., 1995, Summary of lithologic logging of new and existing boreholes, Yucca Mountain, Nevada, August 1993 to February 1994: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-342, 39p.

 Geslin, J.K., and Moyer, T.C., 1995, Summary of lithologic logging of new and existing boreholes, Yucca Mountain, Nevada, March 1994 to June 1994: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-451, 16p.

 Moyer, T.C., and Geslin, J.K., 1995, Lithostratigraphy of the Calico Hills Formation and Prow Pass Tuff (Crater Flat Group) at Yucca Mountain, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-460, 59p.

 Moyer, T.C., Geslin, J.K., and Buesch, D.C., 1995, Summary of lithologic logging of new and existing boreholes, Yucca Mountain, Nevada, July 1994 to November 1994: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-102, 22p.

 O'Brian, J.P., Lewis, R.S., Link, P.K., Geslin, J.K., Witman, S.H., and Schmidt, K.L., 1993, Geologic map of the Buttercup Mountain Quadrangle, Blaine and Camas Counties, Idaho: Idaho Geological Survey Technical Report 93-1, scale 1:24000.

 Stewart, D.E., Geslin, J.K., Mahoney, J.B., Darling, R.S., and Link, P.K., 1992, Geologic map of the Baker Peak Quadrangle, Blaine and Camas Counties, Idaho: Idaho Geological Survey Technical Report 92-1, scale 1:24000.

 Geslin, J. and Darby, B., 2015, Papua New Guinea: Mesozoic Rift Basin Evolution and its Control on Basin Fill: AAPG Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs.

 Darby, B. and Geslin, J., 2015, Swath Topographic Analysis, Critical Taper, and Structural styles of the Papua New Guinea Fold-Thrust Belt: Influence of Mesozoic stratigraphic architecture?: AAPG Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs.

 Geslin, J. and Darby, B., 2014, Papua New Guinea: Control of Mesozoic Rifting on Basin Geometry, Accommodation Generation, Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture, and Facies Distribution: International Petroleum and Technology Conference, Abstracts with Programs.

 Darby, B. and Geslin, J., 2014, Influence of the Mesozoic extensional architecture and associated stratigraphy on the structural style of the Papua New Guinea Fold-Thrust Belt: International Petroleum and Technology Conference, Abstracts with Programs.

 Geslin, J., Abreu, V. and Demko, T., 2011, An ancient “source to sink” example in piggyback basins, Pyrenean fold and thrust belt: AAPG Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs.

 Abreu, V., Neal, J., Blum, M., Bohacs, K.M., Demko, T., Garfield, T., Kendall. C., Geslin, J., Jones, C, and Kalbas, J.L., 2010 Stratigraphic standards and sequence stratigraphy; the quest for formalization continues: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 42(5):234

 Abreu, V., Geslin, J., and Demko, T., 2009, "Source-to-sink" in a thrust/foreland setting: middle Eocene South pyrenean foreland basins: Abstracts: Annual Meeting - American Association of Petroleum Geologists

 Geslin, J., 2007, Forcing mechanisms in sequence stratigraphy and the use of simple large-scale forward numerical models: Abstracts: Annual Meeting - American Association of Petroleum Geologists

 Barbeau, D.L. and Geslin, J.K., 2004, Growth Strata and Kinematic Sequence Stratigraphy: 32nd International Geological Congress, Firenze, Italy.

 Apotria, T., Lindholm, R., Metner, W., Eze, M., Gunn, D, Geslin, J., Rumelhart, P., Goulding. F., and Mitchell, S., 2004, Volume Interpretation of Shelf Collapse Processes and Biafra "Disturbed" Reservoirs, Eastern Niger Delta Joint Venture: AAPG International Conference, AAPG Bulletin, Vol. 88 (2004), No.13.

 Link, P.K., Geslin, J.K., Salzmann, M.R., Piper, D.Z., 2003, Carboniferous and Permian tectonics and sedimentation in central and eastern Idaho: AAPG Hedberg Conference on Late Paleozoic Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Systems of Western North America - The Greater Ancestral Rocky Mountains.

Geslin, J.K., 1993, Middle Pennsylvanian to Early Permian evolution of the Oquirrh-Wood River basin, southern Idaho, in Beauchamp, B. and Embry, A., Carboniferous to Jurassic Pangea, first international symposium program and abstracts: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, p. 109.

 Geslin, J.K., Link, P.K., Burton, B.R., and Mahoney, J.B., 1993, The Pennsylvanian and Permian Oquirrh-Wood River basin: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 25, no. 5, p. 41.

 Geslin, J.K., Link, P.K., Mahoney, J.B., and Burton, B.R., 1993, Sedimentation and subsidence in the Pennsylvanian and Permian Oquirrh-Wood River basin: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 77, p. 1448-1449.

 Ingersoll, R.V., Devaney, K.A., Geslin, J.K., Cavazza, W., Diamond, D.S., Jagiello, K.J., Marsaglia, K.M., Paylor, E.D., and Short, P.F., 1993, The Mud Hills, Mojave Desert, California: structure, stratigraphy and sedimentology of a rapidly extended terrane: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, v. 25, no. 5, p. 56.

 Geslin, J.K., Link, P.K., and Ingersoll, R.V., 1992, Pennsylvanian-Permian paleogeography and paleotectonics of southern Idaho: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 24, no. 6, p. 13

Sprague, A., Patterson, P.E., Sullivan, M.D., Campion, K.M., Jones, C.R., Garfield, T.R., Sickafoose, D.K., Jennette. D.C., Jensen, D.N., Beaubouef, R.T., Goulding, F.J., Van Wagoner, J.C., Wellner, R.W., Larue, D.K., Rossen, C., Hill, R.E., Geslin, J.K., Feldman, H.R., Demko, T.M., Abreu, V., Zelt, F.B., Ardill, J.A., Porter, M.L., 2003, Physical stratigraphy of clastic strata; a hierarchical approach to the analysis of genetically related stratigraphic elements for improved reservoir prediction (in 2003-2004 AAPG distinguished lectures, Anonymous,): AAPG Bulletin, 87(10):1695-1696

 Sprague, A., Patterson, P.E., Sullivan, M.D., Campion, K.M., Jones, C.R., Garfield, T.R., Sickafoose, D.K., Jennette. D.C., Jensen, D.N., Beaubouef, R.T., Goulding, F.J., Van Wagoner, J.C., Wellner, R.W., Larue, D.K., Rossen, C., Hill, R.E., Geslin, J.K., Feldman, H.R., Demko, T.M., Abreu, V., Zelt, F.B., Ardill, J.A., Porter, M.L., 2003, Physical stratigraphy of clastic strata; a hierarchical approach to the analysis of genetically related stratigraphic elements for improved reservoir prediction: Bulletin of the South Texas Geological Society, 44(4):7

 Geslin, J.K., Demko, T. M., Drzewiecki, P.A., Feldman, H. R., Hasiotis, S.T., McCrimmon, G.G., Van Wagoner, J.C., and Wellner, R.W., 2002, Relative Role of Stream Discharge, Sediment Flux, and Baselevel Change in Stratal Architecture of Continental and Nearshore Sequences: Results From Forward Numerical Modeling: AAPG Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, p. A63.

 Demko, T. M., Drzewiecki, P.A., Feldman, H. R., Geslin, J.K., Hasiotis, S.T., McCrimmon, G.G., Van Wagoner, J.C., and Wellner, R.W., 2002, The Influence of Climatically Mediated Stream Discharge and Sediment Flux on the Sedimentary Record of Landscape Evolution: Implications for the Sequence Stratigraphy of Continental Strata: AAPG Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, p. A41.

 Barbeau, D., Hamid, T.N., and Geslin, J.K., 2002, Growth Strata and Fluvial Reservoir Distribution: AAPG Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, p. A12.

 Barbeau, D., and Geslin, J.K., 2002, Kinematic Sequences and Systems Tracts: A Perspective from Growth Strata: AAPG Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, p. A12.

 Geslin, J.K., Demko, T.M., Drzewiecki, P.A., Feldman, H.R., Hasiotis, S.T., Mccrimmon, G.G., Van Wagoner, J.C., and Wellner, R.W., 2001, Sediment flux, paleoclimate, and sequence stratigraphy: Lessons learned from numerical modeling: 7th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology, Open-File Report 60, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, p. 106.

 Demko, T.M., Drzewiecki, P.A., Feldman, H.R., Geslin, J.K., Hasiotis, S.T., Mccrimmon, G.G., Van Wagoner, J.C., and Wellner, R.W., 2001, Sediment flux, paleoclimate, and sequence stratigraphy: A conceptual framework for the sedimentary record of landscape evolution: 7th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology, Open-File Report 60, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, p. 89.

 Link, P.K., Geslin, J.K., and Fanning, M.C., 2000, Detrital zircon "barcodes" from modern and Neogene sands of the Snake River Plain, Idaho: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, no. 6, p. 25.

 Link, P.K., Mahoney, J.B., Geslin, J.K., and Fanning, M.C., 1999, Interpreting detrial zircon plots; examples from Cretaceous of British Columbia and the Neogene of Idaho: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, no. 7, p. 300.

 Geslin, J.K., Link, P.K., and Fanning, M.C., 1999, Sedimentation in the Big Lost Trough, an arid underfilled basin on the eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, no. 4, p. 13.

 Link, P.K., Bestland, E.A., Geslin, J.K., Thackray, G.D., Gianniny, G.L., 1999, Basin architecture of the Pleistocene Big Lost Trough, eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, no. 4, p. 22.

 Link, P.K., and Geslin, J.K., 1999, Upper Paleozoic basins in the southern Idaho and their relationship to emplacement and reactivation of the Roberts Mountains allochthon: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, no. 4, p. 38.

 Kauffman, M.E., and Geslin, J.K., 1998, Impermeable horizons in Neogene sediments on the eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho: calcretes in fluvial and eolian deposits and fine-grained lacustrine and playa deposits: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 30, no. 6, p. 12.

 Hughes, S.S., Geslin, J.K., and Link, P.K., 1998, Convoluted Quaternary volcanic and sedimentary stratigraphy of the northeastern Snake River Plain (SRP), TAN-INEEL, Idaho: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 30, no. 6, p. 11.

 Link, P.K., Geslin, J.K., and Fanning, C.M., 1998, Detrital zircon provenance of Pleistocene sands, northeastern Snake River Plain, INEEL, Idaho: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 30, no. 6, p. 13.

 Geslin, J.K., Link, P.K., 1997, Pliocene to Holocene fluvial-lacustrine sedimentation in the Big Lost trough, northeastern Snake River Plain, Idaho: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 29, no. 6, p. A119.

 Carr, J., Link, P.K., Geslin, J.K., McCafferty, A., Hargraves, R.B., 1996, Sedimentary breccia deposited within Eocambrian (?) Beaverhead impact crater, Lost River Range, Idaho: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, v. 28, p. A230.

 Geslin, J.K., Moyer, T.C. and Flint, L.E., 1995, Preliminary stratigraphic relations and hydrologic properties of the Paintbrush Tuff nonwelded (PTn) hydrogeologic unit, Yucca Mountain, Nevada: EOS, v. 76, no. 45, p. F670-F671.

 Moyer, T.C., Geslin, J.K., and Flint, L.E., 1995, The effects of welding on the hydrologic properties of a Miocene pyroclastic sequence: implications for subsurface water flow: EOS, v. 76, no. 45, p. F680-F681.

 Flint, L.E., Flint, A.L., Moyer, T.C. and Geslin, J.K., 1995, Lateral diversion of water in the Paintbrush Tuff nonwelded hydrologic unit, Yucca Mountain, Nevada: EOS, v. 76, no. 45, p. F182.

 Geslin, J.K., 1994, Internal stratigraphy of the Calico Hills Formation in the Yucca Mountain area, southwestern Nevada volcanic field: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, no. 6, p. A502.

 Ingersoll, R.V., Devaney, K.A., Geslin, J.K., Cavazza, W., Diamond, D.S., Jagiello, K.J., Marsaglia, K.M., Paylor, E.D.,II, and Short, P.F., 1993, The Mud Hills, Mojave Desert, California: structure, stratigraphy and sedimentology of a rapidly extended terrane: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 25, no. 5, p. 56.

 Geslin, J.K., 1992, The nature of matrix in mixed siliciclastic-carbonate turbidites: an example from the Oquirrh-Wood River basin: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 24, no. 7, p. A103.

 Mahoney, J.B., Geslin, J.K., and Link, P.K., 1987, Upper Paleozoic basin reconstruction in central Idaho: preliminary stratigraphic correlation of allochthonous Permian strata: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 71, p. 587.

 Geslin, J.K., and Link, P.K., 1986, A depositional model for the Permian Dollarhide Formation of the southern Smoky Mountains, central Idaho: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, no. 4, p. 356.

 Geslin, J.K., and Link, P.K., 1986, Permian Dollarhide Formation, southern Smoky Mountains, south-central Idaho: Depositional environment and petroleum potential: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 70, p. 1040.

Dave Seneshen - Consultant

Seneshen, D.M, 2020. Surface Geochemical Exploration for Helium and Uranium Deposits.  Virtual American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention and Exhibition, September 28 to October 1, 2020.

 Seneshen, D.M., 2019. The Surface Geochemical Expression of Some Helium Deposits. AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Cheyenne, WY, September 15-17, 2019.

 Seneshen, D.M., 2018. The Surface Geochemical Expression of Some Utah Oil and Helium Fields. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, UT, May 20-23, 2018.

 Seneshen, D.M., 2018. Hydrocarbon and metal anomalies over petroleum and metal deposits. 28th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium (Resources for Future Generations), Vancouver, Canada, June 16-21, 2018.

 Noble, R.R.P, Seneshen, D.M., Lintern, M.J., Anand, R.R., Pagès A., and Pinchand, G.T., 2017. Soil-gas and weak partial soil extractions for nickel exploration through transported cover in Western Australia. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis. Vol. 18, p. 31–45.

 Seneshen, D.M., 2015. Geochemical Exploration for Conventional and Unconventional Petroleum Resources. 27th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, Tucson, AZ, April 20-24, 2015.

 Seneshen, D.M., and Fontana, J.V., 2014. Focusing Petroleum Exploration with Regional Geochemical Surveys. Search and Discovery Article #41415. AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Denver, CO, July 20-22, 2014.

 Seneshen, D.M., and Fontana, J.V., 2013. Finding and Protecting Energy Assets with 21st Century Geochemical Tools. Search and Discovery Article #41148. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, PA, May 19-22, 2013.

 Seneshen, D.M., and Fontana, J.V., 2012. Integration and Evaluation of Four Geochemical Methods for Regional Onshore Petroleum Exploration in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada. Search and Discovery Article #41062. American Association of Petroleum Geologists International Convention and Exhibition, Singapore, September 16-19, 2012.

 Fontana, J.V., and Seneshen, D.M. 2011. Preparing for and Handling Common Complaints by Private Water Well Owners Related to Coal Bed Methane, Shale Gas and Other Unconventional Development Programs. Search and Discovery Article #90131. AAPG Eastern Section Meeting Washington, DC, September 25-27, 2011.

 Seneshen, D.M., and Fontana, J.V. 2011. The Surface Geochemical Expression of the Jonah Gas Field, Sublette County, Wyoming. Search and Discovery Article #90126. AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Cheyenne, Wyoming, June 25-29, 2011.

 Seneshen, D.M., and Fontana, J.V., 2010. Unique Geochemical Methods for Regional On-shore Petroleum Exploration in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada. Search and Discovery Article #90108. American Association of Petroleum Geologists International Convention and Exhibition, Calgary, AB, September 12–15, 2010.

 Fontana, J.V., Gorody, A.W., and Seneshen, D.M. 2010. Customized Geographic Information Systems Used to Acquire Baseline and Monitoring Data, Identify Gas Seeps, Protect Unconventional Resource Assets, and Comply with the New Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Rules. Search and Discovery Article #90106. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Rocky Mountain Section Convention and Exhibition, Durango, CO, June 13-16, 2010.

Seneshen, D.M., Viellenave, J. and Fontana, J.V. 2004. Geochemical Study Targets Black River, American Oil & Gas Reporter, Vol. 47, No. 9, pp. 99-105

 Seneshen, D.M., Chidsey, Jr., T.C., Morgan, C.D., and Vanden Berg, M.D., 2010. New Techniques for New Hydrocarbon Discoveries – Surface Geochemical Surveys in the Lisbon and Lightning Draw Southeast Field Areas, San Juan County, Utah. Utah Geological Survey Misc. Publication 10-2, pp. 61.

 Seneshen, D.M., Chidsey, Jr., T.C., Morgan, C.D., and Vanden Berg, M.D., 2009. New Techniques for New Discoveries - Results from the Lisbon Field Area, Paradox Basin, Utah, in W.S. Houston, L.L. Wray, and P.G. Moreland, eds., The Paradox Basin Revisited – New Developments in Petroleum Systems and Basin Analysis: RMAG 2009 Special Publication – The Paradox Basin, p. 604-633.   

Seneshen, D.M., Chidsey, Jr., T.C., Morgan, C.D., and Vanden Berg, M.D., 2007. New Techniques for New Discoveries Results from the Lisbon Field Area, Paradox Basin, Utah. Search and Discovery Article #90063. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention and Exhibition, Long Beach, CA, April 1–4, 2007.

 Seneshen, D.M., Viellenave, J. and Fontana, J.V. 2006. The Surface Geochemical Expression of Carbonate-Hosted Hydrocarbon Reservoirs and Faults in New York, Ohio, Nevada and Utah.

Seneshen, D.M., and Fontana, J.V., 2010. Organic and Inorganic Compositional Links to Oil and Gas Reservoirs Using Surface Geochemical Methods. Search and Discovery Article #90104. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, April 1–4, 2010.

 Seneshen, D.M. and J.V. Fontana. 2009. Microseeps over Morrow Channels in Southeast Colorado. Search and Discovery Article #90090. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention and Exhibition, Denver, CO, June 7-10, 2009.

 Seneshen, D.M., Viellenave, J. and Fontana, J.V. 2007. Innovative Surface Geochemical Exploration for Conventional and Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs. Search and Discovery Article #90065. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Southwest Section Convention and Exhibition, Wichita Falls, TX, April 21-24, 2007.

 Search and Discovery Article #90052. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, TX, April 9–12, 2006.

 Wood, J.R. and Seneshen, D.M. 2006. Geochemical Investigations in the Michigan Basin: Vernon Field and Springdale Township. Search and Discovery Article #20036. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, TX, April 9–12, 2006.

 Seneshen, D.M., Viellenave, J. and Fontana, J.V. 2005. Surface Geochemical Tools for Hydrocarbon Exploration and Structural Mapping in the Great Basin of Nevada and Utah.  Search and Discovery Article #90047. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Rocky Mountain Section Convention and Exhibition, Jackson, WY, September 24-26, 2005.

 Seneshen, D.M., Viellenave, J. and Fontana, J.V. 2005. Geochemical Exploration for Trenton-Black River Gas Reservoirs In New York and Ohio. Search and Discovery Article #90044. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Eastern Section Convention and Exhibition, Morgantown, WV, September 18-20, 2005.

 Seneshen, D.M., Grunsky, E., Rencz, A., Hall, G.E.M, and Dunn, C.E., 2005. Geochemical Orientation Surveys (FY 2000-2001) for Kimberlites in Northern Alberta. Alberta Geological Survey Earth Science Report 2005-01, 232 p.